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p align="left">2. She was a good cook but worked in a perpetual lather of bad temper. (25,120).

3. …hand lying, fingers curved on the sheet and fixed now in its blackening carapace of dried blood(25,165).

4. When Tobby was happy, no one was more joyous. When he was miserable he went down into his private hell. (25,298).

5. We're not going back because we can't. When I recruited you from that London squat I didn't tell you the truth. (25,335). - Мы не вернемся, потому что не можем. Когда я забрала тебя из того притона в Лондоне, я соврала тебе.

Метафоры положительной оценки (мелиоративные метафоры).

1. I think there are some in Michael's den. (29,13). - Я думаю, несколько есть в кабинете Майкла.

4. Предикативная метафора имеет широкое распространение в речи в идентифицирующей структуре N + связка + Nмет. Данную форму структурной организации метафоры представляет собой квазитождество.

Метафоры нейтральной оценки.

1. Their love imprisons me. I am a trapped hare. (27,144).

2. That hundred guineas was just Mr. Owen's little bit of cheese to get me into the trap along with the rest of you. (9,223).

3. They (compliments) were food and drink to him. (29,82).

4. Once again the theatre was her only refuge. (29,219).

5. I noticed that the pupils of her eyes were pin-points. (9,90).

6. Who is your date? (32,52). - С кем ты встречаешься?

7. - Who is that tall bird?

- I tell you he's just a radical bastard. (21,166).

8. As always she had left it until the last minute to leave the disco and the floor was still a packed, gyrating mass of bodies. (25,1).

9. That's been done. It's old hat. (25,12). - Это уже было. Это старый трюк.

10. That visit could have been the last straw. (25,261).

Метафоры отрицательной оценки. (пейоративные метафоры).

1. Don't be an ass. (9,275).

2. I'll be a babbling baboon. (20,77).

3. Though I knew that he was not informidable, I knew also that he was a bit of a humbug and a bit of a clown. (37,36).

4. The place is a pig-sty. (29,49).

5. But man was a ridiculous animal anyway. (9,31).

6. “…Wilmer's rather an old goose…” (17,40).

7. Go outside, all of you, or you'll be a lot of sweeps. (40,25).

8. You are a pure evil. (41,163).

9. This is a hungry, vicious, ungrateful little monster with large ambitions. (14,138).

10. You're just a jelly-fish. (18,281).

11. That child is a pig and a beast. (38,104).

12. I'm a beast, I'm a slut, I'm just a bloody bitch. I'm rotten through and through. (29,223).

13. The public are a lot of jackasses. (29,221).

14. I was rather a muff at the letter. (40,87).

15. - You know, I'm not a squealer, Harry.

- You are a rummy. But no matter how rum dumb you get. (9,54).

16. He told himself. “Man, you just a big black bugger.” He kept referring to himself as black, which, of course, he was, Lou thought, but it was not the thing to say. (38,139).

17. What do you want to go and hamper yourself with a man who'll always be a millstone round your neck? (29,51).

18. - Who is that tall bird?

- I tell you he's just a radical bastard. (21,166).

19. His face was a picture of red ferocity. (25,26).

20. … a superfluous man however unattractive or stupid was acceptable; a superfluous woman, however witty and well-informed, a social embarrassment.” (25,53).

21. They're the devil, these serial murders. (25,63).

22. Horror and death were his trade(25,82).

23. She'd be a disaster. (25,98).

24. But Father can be remarkably obstinate when he thinks he knows what he wants and Mother is a putty in his hands. (25,102).

25. That caravan is in direct line of my bedroom windows. It's an eyesore. (25,116).

26. She moved up under the highest arch of all where the great eastern window had once shone in an imagined miracle of coloured glass. Now it was an empty eye. (25,130).

27. My God, you're evil, aren't you? (25,135).

28. You should see the Mother. She's a right bitch, that one…” (25,168).

29. Then we discover that they're monsters and decide … to classify them as mad. (25,168).

30. - When did we last get rain? Late on Saturday night, wasn't it?

- About eleven. It was over by midnight but it was a heavy shower. (25,171).

31. He had no real evidence that Oliphant was a bully. (25,172).

32. Murdered and mutilated bodies are your trade, of course. (25,211).

33. The last thing he said was: “She was an evil bitch and I'm glad she's dead.” (25,260).

34. A man who cannot feed himself on nearly three pounds a day must either be lacking in initiative or be the slave of inordinate desires. (25,308).

35. Most tramps are pitiful because they are the slaves of their own passions, usually drink. (25,308).

36. In contrast to the skin's unpainted fragility her mouth was a thin gash of garish crimson. (25,323).

37. Amy said angrily: “Who is he? Who is that creep?” (25,334).

Метафоры положительной оценки (мелиоративные метафоры).

1. Then Jenny had been the projection of his love, a flower, a sweetness, the very breath of spring. (10,143).

2. Embedded in the mud, glistening green and gold and black, was a butterfly, very beautiful, and very dead. (33,78).

3. You're a young panther, a lion cub. (26,123).

4. His wife is a jewel. (8,13).

5. There was a peach from west Oakland. (26,371).

6. “Marsland's rather an old duck…” (17,40).

7. All I want is my little bird. (3,78).

8. Best woman in the world. Absolutely - Caesar's wife! (9,186).

9. She was the flower of the family. (5,98).

10. He is a little treasure, isn't he? (11,254).

11. She is a pure gold. (5,145).

12. “It was only that I thought you looked really ill, in a state of collapse. The shock … It's quite amazing. You are quite a frail.” These words gave her courage. She was ready to be seen as a frail. (12,37).

13. She is an angel, is she not? (9,88).

14. Oh, she was a daisy. (2,174).

15. The caravan had been a stroke of luck. (25, 34).

16. … and the dark eyes, which when he was animated took on a fierce, almost manic gleam, in repose were pools of puzzled endurance. (25,60).

17. It was as if all the petty preoccupations of the flesh were washed away and she was a disembodied spirit floating free. (25,141).

18. Her assistant, Shirley Coles, was a newly appointed junior, a pretty 18-year-old who lived in the village… She was a pleasant child, anxious to please and responsive to friendliness. (25,245).

19. He had reached that time of life when he would occasionally indulge in an idealized picture of a wife waiting at home, …a child who would be his stake in the future, someone to work for. (25,273). - Он уже был в том возрасте, когда начинают мечтать о жене, которая бы ждала дома, …о ребенке, на которого возложит все свои надежды, для которого будет работать.

5. Субстантивный дериват Nмет. of N или N's N

Метафоры нейтральной оценки.

1. He was a bean-pole of 6 feet, 3 inches. (40,158).

2. … watching the great ball of the sun rise out of the sea to stain the horizon and spread over the eastern sky the veins and arteries of the new day. (25,118).

Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).

1. And in my opinion a wild beast is neither more nor less than what that old devil of a husband of hers is. (9,32).

2. When they asked him to have a luncheon with them which was cooked and served by a scarecrow of a woman whom they called Evie. (29,92).

3. What a white bloodless ghost of a woman! (9,169).

4. I've had`em all - including that pig of a husband of yours. (31,11.)

5. It had been a fairly commonplace murder, a henpecked husband at the end of his tether who had taken a hatchet to his virago of a wife. (25,34).

6. Препозитивные и постпозитивные метафоры-приложения

Метафоры нейтральной оценки.

1.And it wasn't only the absence of Susie, the heavily pregnant ghost in the opposite chair. (25,347). - И дело не только в отсутствии Сьюзи, «глубоко» беременного призрака в соседнем кресле.

Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).

1. I have life in my body, this dead tree. (43,304).

2. In recent weeks he had been visited by the nagging guilt of a duty unfulfilled, almost a spirit unpropitiated. (25,142).

3. I couldn't make myself touch him. But I didn't need to. I knew that he was dead. He looked very small, disjointed, a rag doll. (25,270).

4. And that poor devil, the Norfolk Whistler, he's not poetic either presumably. (25,270).

Метафоры положительной оценки (мелиоративные метафоры).

1. Wonderful hoe they know weather, these old salts. (9,224).

2. Perhaps Alex Mair should take her as a patron of his power station, a quasi-saint of rationality. (25,88). - Возможно, Алексу Мэару и следовало взять её начальником на свою электростанцию, эту полубогиню рациональности.

3. Charles had visited his father last summer, a golden-bronzed, hefty-legged, sun-bleached giant. (25,138).

Структурно обособленная метафора широко представлена в речи в форме обращения или номинативного предложения. Nмет.

Обращение выполняет ряд функций: призывной (аппелятивной), идентифицирующей и оценочной. Таким образом, метафора в форме обращения выражает не только призыв к адресату и его идентификацию, но и его оценку со стороны субъекта оценки.

Метафоры нейтральной оценки.

1. She noticed at once they were not of very good quality, poor lamb, he had not been able to bring himself to spring to that. (29,33).

2. Poor lamb… he's such a hell of a gentleman he doesn't know what to do about it. (29,93).

3. Control your tongue, poult. (40,35).

4. Trot along, chicks, and have your tea. (16,245). - Идите дети, пейте чай.

5. Now it was late afternoon and the headland lay enriched by the mellow afternoon light, the sea, a wide expanse of wrinkled blue with a painter's stroke of purple, laid on the horizon. (25,58).

6. And then, on the verge of sleep, she was crashing with him through the bushes of that dreadful wood. (25,108).

7. He said: “This is Hilary Robarts's personnel file. …it merely gives the background information; age, places of education, degrees, career… The dry bones of a life. (25,196).

8. It came out when were talking to one of the junior staff, a local girl who works at the establishment department. Chatty little thing. (25,258).

9. Pascoe, …was working like a demented demon, his eyes white saucers in his blackened face, his arms and naked chest glistening with sweat. (25,353).

Метафоры отрицательной оценки (пейоративные метафоры).

1. I stood there and listened and out side the window there was another laugh. The city. The monster. (39,85).

2. You shut up your trap, you old cow, said Julia, who could be very vulgar when she chose. (29,83).

3. You rotten old eunuch, what do you know about love? (29,50).

4. You old cow. How dare you interfere with my private concerns? (29,176).

5. Pompous old ass. (23,81).

6. You filthy pig. (29,189).

7. You smug hypocritical swine! (4,117).

8. You damn crock. Damn crock. Goddamn crock. (21,51).

9. They killed a dame and tried to frame me for it. They are figuring us all for suckers and don't give a hand who gets hurt. The slobs. The miserable slobs. (39,29).

10. The pink white rat! I'm looking for him. (22,178).

11. You devil, you swine, you filthy low-down cad. (29,48).

12. Monkey! Stop making faces. (19,23).

13. You men! You filthy dirty pigs. You're all the same, all of you. Pigs! Pigs! (28,83).

14. You bloody rats! You're nothing more. (1,341).

15. Silly old cow, she thought. (25,1).

16. He's a man, not a force of nature. (25,151).

17. Rickards said: “Neville Potter, aged 36. Scrawny little sod. (25,165).

18. He stood for a moment appalled: “But we weren't! you're asking me to lie. This is a murder investigation. It's terribly dangerous to lie to the police, they always find out.” He knew what he must sound like, a frightened child, petulant, reluctant to take part in a dangerous game. (25,183).

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